ETO played its third training match, in Vác this time. However the Olympians didn’t play, they watched the match together with the newcomer, Nora Mörk.
Friendly Matches
Good to Play Again
2016. 08. 19.
ETO started the series of training matches with its partner team, Mosonmagyaróvár. ETO with a lot of youth and junior players played a really friendly match.
BigETO-SmallETO Training Match
2016. 08. 18.
ETO will play its first training match with its partner team, Mosonmagyaróvár, on 19 August 17:00 in the Audi Arena. We asked the trainers of the two teams before the match.
Győzelem Brazília ellen is (Videoval frissítve)
2011. 09. 22.
A Győri Audi ETO KC csapata a szerdai Szekszárd elleni bajnoki után csütörtökön is pályára lépett, ezúttal barátságos meccsen Brazília volt az ellenfél. A győri lányok egy izgalmas meccset játszottak az Eduarda Amorimot is soraiban tudó dél-amerikaiakkal, végül 30-29-re nyertek.