“The adult and youth results cannot be separated, they depend on each other since the most important task of the youth program is to provide the adult team with suitable players. Our youths demonstrated their power this season, since Lakatos Rita, Wéninger Alexa, Hudák Emma, Moharos Vivien and Varga Emőke got into the adult team who could contribute to the success of the team at trainings and matches as well. It indicates that our system is good for providing ETO level players.
As for the youth, the age group results might not be that important, that is, according to the long terms goals, they are not that important. Our most important objective is to train as many NBI players and players for the national and our adult team as we can. However, good result can push the children to work well in the future. They get motivated that it is worth working hard because it has results.
In the last season, a modified, new wave youth program was launched, we could see its first result at the end of this season. We put the coached into new situations to get more impulses. According to the experiences, we will change a little bit, both from the perspective of the adult team and taking the age group results into consideration. However, the basic principles won’t be changed, we will follow the education model that has been successful so far suiting the model of the federation.”